Katon Callaway

Lead Artist & RnD at Riot Games

About Katon Callaway

Art of Katon On Hiatus, Stay Tuned for Updates! Segment Summary: Join Katon as he shows his workflow and approach to creating characters in ZBrush. Location: Los Angeles, California Hometown: Colorado Springs, Colorado How Did You Discover ZBrush? "I remember first seeing ZBrush when it was ZBrush 1.5 and I wasn't sure what I was looking at. Then I started playing with ZBrush 2 knowing the advent of normal maps in games and fell in love. Been using it ever since!" Sculpting Experience: 14 years Most Used/Favorite Feature: DynaMesh Previous Works, Industry Experience & Highlights: "I have worked in games for over 14 years, and was apart of the God of War 3 and Ascension teams. Those were some great years and more to come now."

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