Would You Like To Be Part of the Turntable Gallery???


How would you like to be part of the Turntable Gallery???

That’s right!!!  Pixologic will be holding an open invitation to all ZBrush artists.

15 lucky artists will be chosen and featured onto the turntable gallery.

Starting October 12, 2009 till November 13, 2009 we will be welcoming submissions for the gallery.
If you would like to be a part of this, send us your best work to [email protected].  Subject Line Turntable Contest

Rules and Regulations:  All applicants must submit JPEG files to be evaluated.  Files must be 750 x 562.  You may send in color renders using outside render packages, but each color render must be accompanied by a render from ZBrush.  Due to the high volume of applicants please be patient and understanding about your piece.  Not all pieces will be selected and those that will be will receive further instructions to create your turntable.  Pieces will be selected by members of the Pixologic team.  No work will be collected before nor after the dates stated above.  After the contest please do not continue to submit your turntables to the gallery.  Selected artists will be required to sign an Artist Release Form. All applicants must provide the following information to be considered for the gallery.

Your full name:

Your ZBrushCentral username:

Tell us about yourself as an artist:
We want to promote you as an artist. Tell us about yourself.  Are you a freelance artist or do you work for a company?  Anything else you would like to add would be great

Name of the turntable:

Give each turntable a name.  If you send more then one turntable make sure to give each turntable a unique name.

A description of how you used ZBrush to make this piece:
What were your methods to create this work. What tools did you use in ZBrush. What did you enjoy most about creating this work.

Adding a video or image to your ZBrush Turntable page:
In the info section of your ZBrush Turntable page you can add an image or video.  You may have a demo reel with ZBrush work that you want to play on this page.  Also many artists record tutorials or speed sculpts of their process in ZBrush, you are free to submit these as well! Your video can be emailed to me or you can provide a link where I can download it if the video is to large to email. Please make sure the videos are of good quality and in quicktime format. Your video however can be any dimension.

Your email: (optional)

Your website or portfolio: (optional)

Comments on ZBrush: (optional)
If you want to share with the world your thoughts on ZBrush please do!

If you have questions or comments please feel free to contact [email protected].
We look forward to see what you can bring to the gallery.

Happy ZBrushing!!!!!

14 Responses

  1. I am very lucky I found this article. The knowledge was very handy and will be glad to bookmark it. Will be back a few weeks to see if there are going to be any kind of new improvements.

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