ZBrush 2021.5 Live Stream Event
ZBrush 2021.5 is almost here!
Join the Pixologic team: Paul Gaboury and Joseph Drust with Special Guest Michael Pavlovich on December 8th, 11am PST for an exclusive look at the new update to ZBrush 2021!
Purchase the current ZBrush 2021 today and upgrade to ZBrush 2021.5 for FREE upon release!
Visit our store: https://store.pixologic.com/
ZBrush links for more information:
Try ZBrush in Maxon One for Free: ZBrush Trial
Download our free version: ZBrushCoreMini
Visit our site: ZBrush Home
Visit our store: Get ZBrush
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Official ZBrush Discord: https://discord.gg/2g9ah6u