Eric Keller

Digital Sculptor

About Eric Keller

Nature, Animals, Biodiversity, & Science: That Guy Who Sculpts a Lot of Bugs and Spiders See Eric's Upcoming Streams Here: ZBrushLIVE Calendar Segment Summary: "My personal work focuses primarily on using art to promote biodiversity, science education, and respect for all living things." Location: Los Angeles, California Hometown: "I was born in Fredonia, NY, but raised in many places on the East Coast." How Did You Discover ZBrush? "Discovered ZBrush at Mac World convention in New York in the year 2000, I believe Ofer himself was giving the presentation at the booth. No one had any idea what it was, at the time it was a very weird 2.5D illustration tool." Sculpting Experience: "Started using ZBrush regularly around 2004" Most Used/Favorite Feature: "My favorite feature of ZBrush are the sculpting brushes themselves, that's what makes ZBrush great, everything else is gravy (really really good gravy)." Previous Works, Industry Experience & Highlights: I've done a lot of different things with Zbrush of the years from science animations, to feature films, to planetarium shows, to VR and AR, and most recently 3D printing and casting jewelry." Fun Facts: "I have a species of fly named in my honor: Megaselia kelleri" Additional Info : "My portfolio is found at I create animations to promote science art and education at And I'm part of the team teaching digital sculptors and jewelers how to use ZBrush to create jewelry at"

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