
About ZBrush

We're the makers of ZBrush! ZBrush is the 3D industry's standard digital sculpting application. Use customizable brushes to shape, texture, and paint virtual clay, while getting instant feedback on your screen. Work with the same tools loved by film studios, game developers and artists the world over

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Posts Featuring ZBrush

Fukui Nobuaki – ZBrush 超入門講座 出張LIVE – Episode 8 ZBrushCoreからZBrushへのアップグレード!キャラクターモデリング編

ZBrushCoreCLUBの管理者であり、丁寧な解説で好評な書籍「ZBrushCore超入門講座」の著者の福井様がZBrush 2018へアップグレードを行った方/ご検討中の方向けの解説を行います。 Nobuaki Fukui is the owner of the website “ZBrushCoreCLUB” and the author of the book, “ZBrushCore beginner’s tutorial”. He will [...]